Aquarium Maintenance

At Shipwreck Cove we will maintain all your aquariums, regardless of size, everything from the smallest aquariums to the large display aquariums.

Doctors, dentists, schools and offices of all types rely on Shipwreck Cove to keep their reef and fish tanks in top condition.

All of our maintenance technicians are extremely knowledgeable and experienced in being able to recognize and treat any issues that may arise in your aquarium.

Not only do we offer standard plans to help clean and maintain your tank, we also offer supply and livestock packages to keep your aquarium fully stocked and continuously growing. Call 1-760-805-6557 for your aquarium maintenance quote today!

Basic Aquarium Maintenance Plan:


  • Cleaning of algae off glass faces.
  • Stirring and rotation of sand/gravel.
  • Adjusting aquarium layout and cleaning corals.
  • Water tests for: salinity, pH, nitrite/nitrate, ammonia, phosphates, calcium alkalinity, magnesium, and temperature
  • Checking mechanical equipment
  • Cleaning/replacing all filter pads.
  • Cleaning protein skimmers
  • Adjusting timers.
  • Checking fish health and medicating when necessary.
  • Cleaning and polishing aquarium faces.
  • Delivery of basic fish food.
  • 24/7 emergency service.
  • Updating you on equipment newly available on the market


Optional Add Ons:

  • Supply and replenishment of all fish and sea life from our standard list.
  • delivery of meaty food
  • Supply and replenishment of corals, fabricated reefs, and other decorations.
  • Scene changes
Schedule your professional aquarium maintenance by calling 1-760-805-6557.